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‘The Dusk’ at Phi Phi Islands: Captivating Canvas

A few years back, we visited Phi Phi Islands. After lunch, we went for a boat ride. I still cannot forget this beautiful evening scenery of sun set from our boat. There was also a rising moon on the other side.

Dear Sanaa Celly,

As we see your submission about the painting titled ‘The Dusk,’ we couldn’t help but be drawn into the vivid imagery you painted. Your ability to transport readers to that magical evening in Phi Phi Islands is truly commendable. It’s the beginning of a beautiful artistic journey.

Capturing Nature’s Beauty

Your painting of the sunset on that serene evening is nothing short of breathtaking. It’s as if you’ve captured the very essence of nature’s beauty on your canvas. Remember, the best art comes from the heart, and your heart is clearly in the right place.

Inspiring Emotions

Art has the power to evoke emotions, and your painting have certainly achieved that. The sense of nostalgia and wonder you’ve instilled in your readers is a testament to your creative prowess. Keep inspiring those who appreciate the beauty of the world around us.

A Promising Future

Sanaa, your talent as an artist is undeniable. Your submission to Curious Times has opened doors to a promising future where your creativity can shine. Keep painting those vivid pictures, for the world needs more artists like you.

With warm regards,


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Curious Times is a leading newspaper and website for kids. We publish daily global news aligned to your learning levels (also as per NEP 2020): Foundational, Preparatory (Primary), Middle and Senior. So, check out the News tab for this. We bring kids’ favourite Curious Times Weekly newspaper every weekend with top news, feature stories and kids’ contributions. 

ME – My Expressions at Curious Times is your place to get your work published, building your quality digital footprint. And it is a good way to share your talent and skills with your friends, family, school, teachers and the world. Thus, as you will step into higher educational institutes your published content will showcase your strength.

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Sanaa Celly

5, Scottish High International School, Gurgaon, Haryana

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