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The School of my Dreams

It’s my dream to be in a school
where learning is truly fun,
not just cramming things and getting tasks done
It’s my dream to be in a school
where little minds are untethered
and their ideas are openly heard
It’s my dream to be in a school
where the marks don’t matter;
it’s about the knowledge you gather
It’s my dream to be in a school
where we don’t mug up the dates of wars,
instead we learn the incident’s cause
It’s my dream to be in a school
where I’m not bound to be error-free;
somewhere my flaws make me grow like imperfect branches of tree
It’s my dream to be in a school
where I’m not a beast behind bars
rather a bird fathoming expanse of stars

where I truly want to be…….

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Khushi Narang

12, Shalom Hills International School

Comments: 1
  1. Curious Kitty says:

    Meow Khushi
    So well said… Amen.
    There is an entir institute inside us, where we learn from ourself and our failures. Another school is our friends, our peers, where we don’t judge each other. There is this institution called grandparents. You get full marks all the time, but you learn so much from them. Walk into the nature, there is everything to learn.
    Wishing you the best.

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