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Warriors of patience and patients❤️

Article Credit: Daksh
Image Credit: Nakshatra. V.S

Doctors , protectors of the “new ” normal as I would like to put in ..

Earlier, I was so scared to meet a doctor – I was scared of the hospitals, medicines etc. – they were a lot of “fear factor ” for me.

..but as I grew up and as I see the present-day life, doctors are our saviors, the angelic figures who work day and night for the life, for the recovery, for bringing life back for a patient ..

Whoever or whatever the time of the day, they attend and they stand by the patients with great care and compassion they are the one group.

They think less of themselves and more for others .. At any critical moment the way the doctors care n console us with that “every thing’s gonna be fine “expression is all beyond words ..theirs is a world of struggle,care, console, and more.

Its the doctors who have made us aware of the new lifestyle normal, thanks a lot dear doctors ..salute !!!

Image Credit: Nakshatra. V.S

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Grade 4, The Choice School, Kochi, Kerala

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