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Image depicting Weekend

Weekend Wonders: Samriddha’s Poetic Gift

Image depicting Weekend

“Friend, where shall we go in the weekend?”
“To the Jungle Safari,
but we don’t have any tent.”
“A caravan we can rent.”
“Yeah, not much money we’ve to spent.”

“When shall we start the trip?”
“First of all, we’ve to arrange everything well & neat.”
“By tomorrow we’ll move on to the trip!”
“Okay, Yippee, Yip!”

Tomorrow came & went away another day,
the arrangement couldn’t be finished by the way.
Went away the whole weekend
Ah! the Jungle Safari was cancelled, my friend!

‘Weekend’, a heartwarming poem by Samriddha Biswas from Techno India Group Public School, Garia, Kolkata. Published in Curious Times. This piece captures the essence of weekends for children in the leading children’s newspaper and magazine. A must-read for young hearts and minds!

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