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‘Wings of Freedom’: Young Poet Soars

Discover ‘Wings of Freedom,’ a stirring poem submitted by the talented Shreya Rajput!

As the birds fly up in the air,

They are free to fly anywhere

This is what freedom feels,

It’s the right of everyone, whether it’s a girl, a boy, parrots or seals.

The freedom to think and explore,

The freedom to quack and roar.

The freedom to do anything,

The freedom to write, dance and sing.

The freedom for which you don’t have to hide your feelings,

The freedom in which you don’t compromise or have dealings.

The freedom in which you’re not controlled,

The freedom to be sweet or bold.

This kind of freedom is deserved by everyone,

Whether it is a person who’s seventy, thirty or eleven.

The freedom is forest for a lion, not a cage,

The freedom for anyone of any age.

Like as the fish swim with their fins open wide,

The freedom to look towards your flag with pride.

From the Editor:

Inspirational Expression

Shreya Rajput, your poem “Wings of Freedom” is a true masterpiece that soars with creativity and imagination. Your words have the power to inspire and uplift.

At just Grade 10, your talent shines brightly. Your ability to convey profound emotions and ideas through your poem is truly remarkable. Keep nurturing your gift!

Impactful Message

Your poem on “Wings of freedom” carries a profound message of freedom, a theme that resonates universally. Your words have the potential to bring positive change and awareness to the world.

Shreya, your contribution to Curious Times is a testament to your potential. We believe your future in the world of literature is boundless. Keep writing and sharing your beautiful words with the world!

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Shreya Rajput

Grade: 10, Venkateshwara Global School, Rohini, Delhi

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