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Wonderful Holidays October 2022

October the festivals season of Dushera and Deepawali and the related festiv as ls.

We had a 10 day holiday for Durga puja, Dushera and it’s related festivities.

Our school clubs holiday days if there is a day open and a weekend approaching and then opens on Saturday/s depending on days of holidays.

Then came the rains. My dad always asked when it rained, isn’t it a Holiday.
And this time the government had given that Holiday and that to 2 days.

Then something bad happened my lower prep teacher suddenly passed away due to sickness and it was a three day holiday. Not a good thing but holidays again.

And now two days of school then diwali and the other festival holidays of 9 days.

This is other than the Sundays which came.

So October is holiday season, enjoying the festivities, the swings gifts, lights, the good food and all the drama.

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KUHU Kacher

3, La Martiniere Girls' College, Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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