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Image depicting World Teachers' Day - 5 October

World Teachers’ Day – 5 October

Happy World Teachers’ Day!

Today, we celebrate this day (also known as International Teachers Day) to appreciate teachers of the world and to discuss the issues they face while teaching.

While in India, we also celebrate Teachers’ Day on 5 September, the United Nations has declared 5 October to be World Teachers’ Day.

This day was started in 1994. It is celebrated on this day in remembrance of an important document. It was signed by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) and ILO (International Labour Organisation) in 1966. The document set important global standards for all teachers’ rights and responsibilities and more.

The theme for World Teachers’ Day 2021

The theme of the day this year is ‘Teachers at the heart of education recovery’. According to UNESCO, this year, a five-day series of global and regional events will showcase the effect that the coronavirus pandemic has had on the teaching profession. It will highlight effective policies that aim to establish the steps that need to be taken to ensure that teachers develop their full potential.

Send us your art, poems and thoughts to wish our teachers. Write to us on My Expressions at Curious Times.

Here is a video with a Happy World Teachers’ Day wish from the International Space Station.

Video credit: NASA/Youtube

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