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image depicting Robot ship with no crew sets sail across the Atlantic Ocean, kids newspaper

Robot ship with no crew sets sail across the Atlantic Ocean


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The Mayflower Autonomous Ship (MAS) is a robot ship for research that was launched on 16 September. It will travel across the Atlantic Ocean gathering important environmental data.

What is unique about this ship? It has no people in it. It is solar-powered and driven by an AI (artificial intelligence) system.

The robot ship was built by ProMare, a non-profit marine research organisation. ProMare worked with technology company IBM to build the MAS.

It was launched from Plymouth, England. It will gather data on the state of the Atlantic Ocean for the next six months. After that, it will travel to Plymouth, Massachusetts in the US.

What are the features of this robot ship?

The MAS is designed to provide a safe and less costly way to help scientists understand critical issues such as global warming, micro-plastic pollution and marine life conservation.

MAS has an AI Captain. It gives the ship the ability to sense, think and make decisions at sea. It can scan for danger or change its route depending on the data.

Anyone who is interested in its ship can follow its journey on a website called The website will provide instant updates on its location and current speed and weather conditions.

MAS even has an octopus chatbot called Artie. One can “chat” with Artie through the website.

Here is a video on the MAS. Video credit: IBM News/Youtube


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