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Image depicting twins, as in, There are more twins now than at any other time in history

There are more twins now than at any other time in history


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Are you a twin? Or do you know a family that has twins? Twins are two siblings born to the same mother on the same occasion.

Twins are not that common. But a new study says that humans are having more twins now than at any other point in recorded history.

The study says that about 12 out of every 1,000 deliveries around the world today are twins. This is the highest number seen in decades, and most likely the highest it’s ever been.

An international team of researchers studied data on babies born in 165 countries, between 2010 and 2015. They calculated the numbers of twin deliveries. When they compared with similar records collected in the early 1980s, it seems the birth of twins is now 30% higher.

The two continents with the highest population, Asia and Africa, have 80% of total twin births around the world.

So what is the reason behind this?

One is due to more parents using medical technology to have children. Such technology (in vitro fertilization or IVF) increases the chances of twins.

What is In vitro fertilization (IVF)?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex series of procedures used to help people with fertility issues to have children.

Another reason is that many people are having children at an older age today. This also increases the chances of them having twins.

Studying the trend of babies being are born around the world helps scientists understand how the human population could grow in the future.


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