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Scientists complete first map of all the world’s coral reefs


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Scientists have completed the first-ever map of all the world’s coral reefs. By mapping the reefs, they have created a valuable resource for conserving the ecosystem.

Coral reefs are an underwater ecosystem. They develop underwater from the skeletons of marine animals, which are called coral.

Scientists have mapped around 98,000 square miles of reefs under the water and they are said to be living at a depth of about 50 feet. They have used satellite images to make a detailed map of the coral reefs.

The name of the new map is the Allen Coral Atlas. It is named after the late Paul Allen, who is the co-founder of Microsoft. He funded the project and it involved around 450 research teams from around the world. This project actually began in 2017.

Scientists also stated that only 1% of Earth’s ocean bed is covered by coral reefs. However, more than one-quarter of the ocean’s wildlife call these ecosystems their home.

Climatic effects on the coral reefs

Coral reefs have existed for more than thousands of years. But due to climate change, the rising temperatures of the water and the acidifying oceans are affecting the animals that live in the reefs. Therefore, this first map of all the world’s coral reefs can be helpful in identifying the different coral reefs that are affected and we can make plans to save them.


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