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Image depicting 17th-century glasses made from diamond and emerald to go on sale

17th-century glasses made from diamond and emerald to go on sale


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Auction house Sotheby’s in New York has something very unique to sell next month – two pairs of 17th-century glasses (spectacles) made from diamond and emerald.

These unique glasses have diamond and emerald lenses rather than glass. Experts believe that they originally belonged to royals in the Mughal Empire. These 17th-century glasses made from diamond and emerald were meant to help the wearer reach enlightenment and chase off evil.

The glasses will go on sale in October. But before that, they are being displayed in different cities.

Experts believe that the spectacles will fetch up to US$3.5 million each at the auction. An auction is a type of sale where an item is sold to the person who offers the highest amount of money.

What do these unique spectacles look like?

One of the spectacles is known as “Halo of Light“. Its lenses are believed to have been made from a single 200-carat diamond found in the famous Golconda diamond mines of India. This diamond could have been the largest one ever found.

The second pair is called the “Gate of Paradise“. Its lenses are made of a huge emerald mined in Colombia, South America.

Experts are not sure who owned these amazing 17th-century glasses made from diamond and emerald. But they believe that it must have been an emperor or someone close to him.


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