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Image depicting Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram face 6 hours of outage

Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram face 6 hours of outage


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Between last night and this morning, social media companies Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram faced an outage and was down for almost six hours.

Facebook owns all three apps – Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram. It said that the outage was due to an internal technical issue. Reports say the outage also affected employees’ work passes and email.

What is an outage?

An outage is a period when a power supply or other service is not available or when equipment is closed down.

Outages are not uncommon generally and apps have been affected before. But this time, it took so long to fix because it seems they couldn’t figure the problem out. Moreover, most outages are local but this time, it was global. However, the company said their user data was not affected.

Downdetector, a website that tracks outages, said that there were 10.6 million problem reports around the world. More than 3.5 billion people around the world use Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and Whatsapp.

Business cost

Business website Fortune also said the outage cost Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg an estimated US$6 billion at one point as Facebook shares fell on the stock market. Zuckerberg apologised to users for the outage.

Other social media companies like Reddit and Twitter, made fun of the issues that Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp faced.


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