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Image depicting What's in a word - Vaccine, India reaches one billion COVID-19 vaccinations milestone

India reaches one billion COVID-19 vaccinations milestone


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One billion COVID-19 vaccinations

As the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic goes on, India has reached a big milestone (achievement) on 21 October 2021. It has completed giving one billion COVID-19 vaccine doses (100 crores).

When did India start its COVID-19 vaccination programme?

India began its vaccination programme on 16 January 2021

This milestone makes India the second country to reach the one billion mark. The first was China and it crossed it in June.

The central government says three-quarters of adults in the country have had at least one shot of the vaccine. Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh have given the highest number of doses.

One billion COVID-19 vaccinations

Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the RML hospital in Delhi to mark the milestone and congratulated the country. The World Health Organization also congratulated India on reaching the milestone

After one billion COVID-19 vaccinations, around 30% of the people in the country are now fully vaccinated. This means they have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. India currently has approved three vaccines – Covishield, Covaxin and Sputnik V.

The centre aims to vaccinate all of India’s adult population (around 94 crores) by December 2021.

COVID-19 cases are coming down in India. Today, 14,623 fresh COVID-19 cases were reported, but this is slightly higher than yesterday.


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