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Image depicting 2021 Guinness World Records list features tallest teen, dog with longest ears

2021 Guinness World Records list features tallest teen, dog with longest ears


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Guinness World Records publishes a book every year that has all the different people and things that broke different world records that year.

This year too, it has published its annual edition of the Guinness Book of World Records. And it features many exciting and even funny world records.

What are some of them?

A British girl named Bethany Lodge got the title of fastest 100 metre forward rolls – 42.64 seconds. And also the most backwards somersault burpees by a female in 30 seconds – five.

An American named Zion Clark (who was born without legs) holds the record for fastest 20 metres walking on hands – 4.78 seconds.

Another record is for most skips over a person’s own hair in 30 seconds. This belongs to Laetitia Ky from Ivory Coast, Africa and the record is 60 skips.

Moreover, the tallest teenager living (male) is an American boy named Olivier Rioux. He is 226.9 cm (7 ft and 5.33 in) tall!

This year’s magazine also features the dog with the longest ears in the world – A dog named Lou. His ears are 34 cm (13.38 in) long.

You can read about all the new Guinness World Records here.


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