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Image depicting Top news of today, India approves Sputnik V, its third COVID-19 vaccine, India news update, COVID-19 vaccination drive underway in India

India approves Sputnik V, its third COVID-19 vaccine


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Currently, India has the second-highest number of COVID-19 cases in the world after the United States. The government has been on a vaccination drive since 16 January. Over 10 crore people have been vaccinated till now. The government had earlier approved two vaccines for use.

Now, Russia’s COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V has been approved as the third vaccine. It has been cleared for emergency use by the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI).

India has become the 60th country to approve the two-dose vaccine. Sputnik V was developed by the Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow. It was the first registered COVID-19 vaccine in the world.

It has been agreed that five pharmaceutical firms in India will aim to produce more than 850 million doses per year. They are Gland Pharma, Hetero Biopharma, Panacea Biotec, Stelis Biopharma, Virchow Biotech.

Sputnik V

For now, Sputnik V is manufactured in India by medicine maker Dr Reddy’s. It is in Phase 3 of clinical trials in India. Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine has the highest effectiveness after the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. 

Dr Reddy’s had applied on 19 February 2021 for emergency use of the vaccine. Compared to the other two vaccines, Sputnik V is considered to be more expensive.


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