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image depicting Indian-origin Anita Anand is Canada's new defence minister

Indian-origin Anita Anand is Canada’s new defence minister


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Canada’s new defence minister

In September this year, Canada held parliamentary elections to elect members of the House of Commons. And current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s party won by a narrow margin.

While he remains as the Prime Minister, Trudeau recently conducted a reshuffle of his cabinet, selecting some new ministers. 38 new ministers were sworn in.

One of the biggest appointments was a new Minister of National Defence. The new minister is Anita Anand, an MP (member of parliament) of Indian origin. She is only the second woman to hold the post of Canada’s defence minister. Moreover, she is the first Indian-Canadian of a Hindu background to become a federal (central) minister in Canada.

Anand was born in Canada to doctor parents. Her mother is from Punjab and her father is from Tamil Nadu. She worked as a professor and lawyer before she became an MP. Anand was previously the procurement minister and helped secure Canada’s supply of COVID-19 vaccines.

The previous defence minister was Harjit Sajjan. He is also of Indian origin and held the post for 6 years.

Environment minister

Another important appointment was Steven Guilbeault, the new environment minister. Guilbeault was a well-known climate activist before he entered politics. PM Trudeau considers climate change as an important subject and this appointment reflects that stand.


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