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image depicting Indonesian man offers free food to fight plastic waste

Indonesian man offers free food to fight plastic waste


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Indonesian man offers free food to fight plastic waste

Bali is an island in Indonesia that is very famous among tourists. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, people stopped coming and locals were out of jobs. There were also fewer workers and trash was piling up.

A man named Made Janur Yasa decided to do something about it. Yasa owns a vegan restaurant in the town of Ubud in Bali.

He started a programme where local villagers could bring in plastic and exchange it for free rice. He started this programme in May 2020. It became a success and he started the organisation Plastic Exchange to do this.

Fight plastic waste

Today, this organisation helps villages hold community exchange events once a month. And Yasa says that it has helped feed thousands of people and collected nearly 500 tons of plastic for recycling. Plastic Exchange is now working with 200 villages. And Yasa hopes that the movement will spread even more.

Plastic waste is a big problem we face today in the world. So, it is inspiring to see people like Yasa come up with their own ways to fight it. Moreover, we should also do what we can to stop plastic from polluting our planet.

What ideas do you have to fight plastic pollution? Tell us on My Expressions at Curious Times.

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