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image depicting Meteorite crashlands on woman's bed in Canada

Meteorite crashlands on woman’s bed in Canada


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Meteorite crashlands into a house

What is a meteorite?

A meteorite is a space rock that falls to Earth from space.

How would you feel if a meteorite crashlanded on your bed while you were sleeping? Sounds like a crazy, unbelievable story right?

But it did really happen recently to a woman living in Canada. The woman, named Ruth Hamilton, lives in the town of Golden in British Columbia, Canada.

A meteorite crashlands

On the night of 3 October 2021, Ruth was asleep in her bed when she was suddenly awoken by a loud bang and got covered in debris (dust). Shocked, she got out of bed and put on her lights to find a rock lying on her pillow, right next to her head! The grey-ish rock weighed more than one kg.

She called the police and was checking if the rock was from an explosion nearby. But then, people had spotted a bright light in the sky before this. This make her realise that it was a meteorite! It had crashed through her roof and landed on her bed.

Each year, Earth gets thousands of small meteorites. While most of them burn up in the atmosphere, this one did not. Thankfully for Ruth, it did not hit her head. Otherwise, she may have been seriously injured.

Meteorite crashlands: What an unusual but scary incident!


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