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Mosaic films mark 10th Anniversary

Mosaic Films Experience celebrates 10th Anniversary


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Mosaic Films Experience is an educational platform that helps the youth to understand creative thinking, experimenting and the art of storytelling. The organization is based in the United States. The organization has introduced programmes to train, equip, and inspire young people to build careers with new work skills.

To mark the 10th anniversary of the Mosaic Films Experience, the organization had organized an event on 3 November 2021. The event was broadcast from Celebrations Cinema Grand Rapids North. It is a well-known movie theatre in Michigan, US.

The Mosaic Film Experience organize a film festival and it is called Mosaic Mobile. This is a platform for those people who can’t afford any other tool other than a mobile phone. They also have a competition where people submit films shot on a phone or a tablet. Then, a panel of judges decide which is the best.

At the 10th Anniversary event, Mosaic Films Experience also awarded the student filmmakers who participated in the Mosaic Mobile Competition. Experts also shared their thoughts and ideas at the event. Some of the prizes include cash prizes while one of the top prize winners will get a scholarship to Interlochen Center for the Arts.

10th Anniversary Event

Among the featured speakers at the event was Mariah Barrera,  a 19-year-old student at Columbia University. She has won numerous awards for her film work. There were also many other inspiring personalities at the event including directors.

Skot Welch is the Mosaic Films Experience Founder and President.


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