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Image depicting Government as in PM Modi appoints new ministers, PM Modi addresses nation on reaching vaccination milestone

PM Modi addresses nation on reaching vaccination milestone


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PM Modi addresses nation

Yesterday, we read that India has reached the milestone (achievement) of 1 billion COVID-19 (100 crore) vaccine doses.

To mark this big occasion, PM Modi addressed in a speech the nation today. He also changed his profile picture on Twitter to a new image that shows a vial of the coronavirus vaccine. It has the message ‘congratulations India’ plastered across it.

He said that the vaccination programme was “science-born, science-driven and science-based”. This included all the processes – from the development of vaccines to the vaccination programme.

He also said that the achievement was an answer to all those criticising India’s inoculation (vaccination) drive. He said that this is the world’s largest vaccination drive.

PM Modi addresses nation

The prime minister also congratulated every citizen in the country as it was a collective effort that helped India reach the milestone. He also advised that the people who still haven’t got the vaccine should do it.

This was Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tenth address to the nation since March 2020 when he announced the Janta Curfew.

Advisory for the upcoming holiday season

However, PM Modi also cautioned the country to not let its guard. down during Diwali or the upcoming festivals. While it is good that we feel safer this holiday season, we should all continue to follow COVID-19 rules as the pandemic is not over. He also encouraged the public to use “Made in India” products.


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Comments: 1
  1. says:

    Well done, India. . .
    1 billion doses is a big milestone and it might take a lot of time to achieve, but we did it in about a year as the government was carrying out vaccination drives.
    I hope that all citizens of India will soon be vaccinated.

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