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Image depicting Qataris cast ballots in nation's first legislative election

Qataris cast ballots in nation’s first legislative election


Recommended for Middle Grades

On 2 October, Qatar had its first legislative election. The election was for two-thirds of the advisory Shura Council.

A royal family, the House of Thani has ruled Qatar since 1868 and it has an emir (king). The current emir of Qatar is Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. As the emir, he holds all executive and legislative authority, as well as control over the judiciary system. Moreover, he also appoints the prime minister and cabinet.

The Shura Council

The Shura Council is an advisory council. It has 45 members and will offer approvals and advice on certain matters of the country. The election on 2 October was held to elect 30 members. The emir will appoint the remaining 15 Council members.

The Council will have legislative authority and approve general state policies and the budget. However, it cannot offer advice on defence and economic issues.

First legislative election

It was only the first legislative election but there were about 26 women among 233 candidates from 30 districts in the country. Many people see the election as a big step towards modernising the governing system. It can help more people to be included in the ruling of the country.

About 44% of the total number of voters showed up in the nation’s first legislative election. Moreover, many women voters also expressed their joy at being part of such a historic event.

The election comes ahead of Doha, the capital of Qatar, hosting the FIFA Football World Cup tournament next year.



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