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image depicting Study says abandoning fossil fuels would bring immediate benefits, curious times

Study says abandoning fossil fuels would bring quick benefits


Recommended for Middle Grades

Fossil fuels

What are fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are material formed underground from the remains of dead plants and animals. Humans extract and use them for our energy needs. They are a non-renewable source of energy as they are limited.

They include coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Today, the modern world is highly dependent on them because a large part of our technology needs them for energy. But they cause serious environmental damage. And release carbon dioxide (CO₂) which greatly contributes to global warming.

Environmental experts are urging countries to abandon (stop using) fossil fuels. And a new study shows that, apart from the long term environmental benefits, this will show immediate results too.

What does the study say?

Burning fossil fuels leads to air pollution, which has a negative effect on our health and even leads to death. A study says that if we stop using fossil fuels now, it will prevent the early death of 8.7 million adults every year!

Too much air pollution leads to heart disease and lung cancer, among others. And scientists say that the effect of air pollution is worse than we thought earlier. Moreover, exposure to air pollution affects the growth of children too.

So, it is more important than ever that we work towards stopping the use of fossil fuels as soon as possible.


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