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image depicting Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival is on

Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival is on


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Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival is on

Harbin is located in the north east of China, where the average winter temperature is around -16°C and lowest can be -35°C.

  • It hosts the annual Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival. It started in 1985 and is believed to be the world’s largest winter festival.
  • It originated from Harbin’s traditional ice lantern show and garden party (which was popular in 1960s) and Heilongjiang’s International Ski Festival.
  • The festival starts on 5 January every year and lasts a month, depending on the snow and weather conditions.

Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival

  • More than 12-15 countries and artists come from different parts of the world to participate in the annual competition. At the festival, they create grand sculptures from the snow of the Songhua River and exhibit in the festival.
  • Artists use various types of tools to create large sculptures. Deionised water makes the sculptures transparent. They also add multicolour lights for the evening shows.
  • At the festival, you can enjoy theme parks and exhibitions of grand sculptures, ice lantern exhibitions at night, skiing and winter swimming in the Songhua River.

This year, the theme for the festival is  “Magical Harbin, Ice Snow Charming China“. This year, due to COVID-19, there are fewer visitors.


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