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image depicting Science humour magazine announces the Ig Nobel Prize winners

Science humour magazine announces the Ig Nobel Prize winners


Recommended for Middle Grades

We have all heard of the Nobel Prize. But have you ever heard of the Ig Nobel Prize?

What are the Ig Nobel Prizes?

The Ig Nobel Prizes honour scientific achievements that make people laugh and then think. They are intended as a bit of a spoof on the more sober Nobel science prizes.

This year, at the 30th Ig Nobel Prize ceremony held online, ten awards were handed out by the science humour magazine Annals of Improbable Research.

The winners this year

Ig Nobel Acoustics prize was won by an international research team that showed how an alligator’s voice turns high pitched after it inhales helium.

Richard Vetter, a scientist, won an award for collecting evidence that many entomologists (scientists who study insects) are afraid of spiders. 

A team also won an award for showing that knives manufactured from frozen human faeces (poop) do not work well.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, along with other world leaders like Jair Bolsonaro, Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and more were also awarded the Ig Nobel Prize 2020 for Medical Education.  The prize is for “using the COVID-19 pandemic to teach the world that politicians can have a more immediate effect on life and death than scientists and doctors can”.

Other 2020 winners included the team that created a method to identify narcissists by examining their eyebrows. Narcissists are people who are obsessed with themselves.


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