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Green fur puppy in Italy named “Pistachio”.


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Have you seen or heard of a green fur puppy? It’s a rare find for sure!

A sheep farmer named Cristian Mallocci recently got a huge shock when he went to check on his dog’s new puppies.

Mallocci’s dog Spelacchia had given birth to five pups, one of which had green fur!

The puppies were born on 9 October on the island of Sardinia in Italy. Only one of them has green fur, the rest have white fur (like their mother). The green fur puppy has been named “Pistachio“.

The four white puppies are up for adoption but Pistacchio will be staying with Mallocci and his family.

Although it is rare, puppies with green fur do happen sometimes. This rare event is believed to happen when light-coloured puppies in their mother’s stomachs come in contact with a pigment named biliverdin. A pigment is a substance that gives colour to things.

Biliverdin is a green pigment found in bile (a fluid produced by the liver) in the body.

So, when the puppy came in contact with the pigment, its fur was dyed green.

Unfortunately, the green fur puppy Pisatochio’s colour is not permanent. It will go away over time, turning white.

Check out Pistachio and his siblings below.

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