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Image depicting diamonds

Artificial diamonds made within minutes without heat


Recommended for Middle Grades

There are natural and artificial diamonds. Natural diamonds are naturally formed deep inside the Earth. They are created when high pressure and heat is applied to a form of carbon.

Now, scientists in Australia have created a process where synthetic or artificial diamonds can be made in a laboratory within minutes. It is also done at room temperature (normal temperature without extra high heat).

They have been able to do this by using high pressure. The pressure used is equal to 640 African elephants balancing on the tip of a ballet shoe!

The scientists said that they have created two types of diamonds using this method.

One of the two types of artificial diamonds is those used in jewellery. The other type is called Lonsdaleite, which is found naturally at the site of meteorite impacts. Lonsdaleite is harder than most diamonds and is used for cutting hard materials in mines.

Companies have been creating artificial diamonds in labs since the 1940s. They are usually created by applying intense heat to carbon. Artificial diamonds are cheaper and more environment-friendly than natural diamonds.

Watch a video on how are diamonds formed.

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