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India news update – 15 February 2021


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India news update – 15 February 2021

India makes mapping of the country open to all Indian citizens and organisations

Indian citizens and companies can now undertake map-making and collect data on India’s geography. Till now, this has only been handled by the Central government’s Survey of India. With this opening up, private organisations can take part in the process and profit from it.

Climate activist Disha Ravi arrested over support to farmers

The 22-year-old activist is one of the founders of the Indian branch of the Fridays for Future climate strike. She was arrested on Saturday over a shared document to help farmers protest against new farm laws. Activists, journalists and opposition members have protested against the arrest saying that it is an attack on democracy.

India news update

Uttarakhand glacier burst

Rescue work is still underway after the glacier burst in Chamoli, Uttarakhand. About 150 persons are still missing. The incident has affected the water supply in parts of Delhi.

COVID-19 update

India has reported about 10.9 million cases out of which 10.6 million have recovered. The health ministry said that 80-85% of frontline workers have been vaccinated. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has tested positive for the virus.

India news update


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