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Image depicting planets, Earth might have once had a twin

Planets: Earth might have once had a twin


Recommended for Middle Grades

The planets Earth and Venus are often called “planetary twins”. This is because they are similar in size, mass, density, composition, and gravity.

Both Earth and Venus are rocky planets. Therefore they are very nearly the same physical size. They both have significant atmospheres surrounding their surfaces. Both planets also have volcanoes.

However, their pathways since the time of the early solar system have taken both planets down dramatically different tracks. Now, Venus and Earth are very different.

Venus has an atmosphere that is about 100 times thicker than Earth. It has extremely hot surface temperatures. Venus’s thick clouds and closeness to the Sun make it the hottest planet.

Venus rotates backwards as compared to Earth and the other planets. It also does not have life or water oceans like Earth does.


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