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Image depicting sea slugs, as in, Only a head with no body? It's not a problem for these sea slugs

Only a head with no body? It’s not a problem for these sea slugs


Recommended for Middle Grades

Headless sea slugs

Can you imagine cutting off your head and still being alive? It’s impossible for us and most animals. But not for these sea slugs.

Scientists have found that two species of sacoglossan sea slugs (or sap-sucking sea slugs) can cut off their own heads and regrow their bodies! This includes regrowing hearts and other internal organs.

This action of cutting off a body part is called autotomy. It’s what lizards also do when they leave behind a tail to run away from danger. However, losing a whole body is a much bigger deal than just a tail.

Scientists found that younger sea slugs were the ones able to do this amazing ‘regrowing’. The cut head was able to eat within hours. Then, it takes them about a week to regrow a heart and about 20 days to regrow the whole body.

These sea slugs were already considered unusual – they can eat algae to use their ability of photosynthesis. But this new discovery makes them even more unique!


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There are many unique animals in the world that look and behave interestingly and differently. Have you heard about water bears or tardigrades? How about a platypus or wombat or living fossils? In fact, there are many unique, strange and rare animals that are also fascinating and amazing. Read more about such captivating creatures in our animal news for kids.

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