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Image depicting military, as in, India's military is ranked the fourth most powerful in world

India’s military is ranked the fourth most powerful in world


Recommended for Secondary Grades

As per a new report by the defence website Military Direct, China has the strongest military force in the world.

The US and Russia are in second and third place respectively, which India stands at number four. Other countries in the top 10 include France and the UK.

The US has come in second place despite having the highest military budget in the world. It spent US$732 billion in 2019. China is second with US$261 billion, followed by India at US$71 billion.

The study said that the ranking was given after studying different factors. They include budgets, number of inactive and active military personnel (soldiers), total air, sea, land and nuclear weapons, salaries, and weight of equipment.

What does the study say?

The study says that if there is a conflict, China could win by sea, the US by air and Russia by land.

In the air, the US has 14,141 total airships while Russia has 4,682 and China, 3,587.

When it comes to a land war, Russia has 54,866 vehicles, while the US has 50,326 while China has 41,641.

If there was a sea war, China could win it as it has 406 ships. Russia has 278 and the US or India have 202.

Of course, all this is hypothetical. This means it is based on situations that have not yet happened (not on facts). In a real war, the military situation could be very different.


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