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Image depicting a new space discovery of double quasar by Hubble space telescope

New space discovery of rare double quasar made by the Hubble Space Telescope


Recommended for Secondary Grades

We have read about quasars earlier. Let’s read about a new space discovery now.

A quasar is a massive and distant space object. They are found at the centre of galaxies. Quasars emit huge amounts of energy and are the brightest objects in the universe. When you see through a telescope, quasars look a bit like stars.

Recently, the Hubble Space Telescope spotted a rare “double quasar”. They are the oldest-known double quasars ever detected. We are sure this is an interesting piece of news for you children and of course, a great new space discovery for sure!

NASA says that the double quasar was spotted in two ancient galaxies that are about to crash into each other. If we see through telescopes from Earth, the double quasars look like one. Someday, they will become one when their galaxies collide.

NASA estimates that for every 1,000 quasars, there is one double quasar. So finding these double quasars is actually quite rare.

Scientists suggest that quasars contain massive black holes. They may also represent a stage in the evolution of some galaxies. So, this finding could help scientists understand more about the formation of black holes and galaxies.

NASA is launching its most advanced telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope, later this year. Scientists hope to use the new telescope will help find out more about quasars and galaxy formation.

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