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Image depicting an elephant as reports of a baby elephant saved from a well spread

Baby elephant is saved after falling into well


Recommended for Foundational Grades

A baby elephant is saved from a well. Let’s read more about this act of kindness.

Elephants are the world’s largest land animals. Today, they are found in Asia and Africa. However, just because they are so large doesn’t mean that they don’t need help sometimes.

Recently, at a small village in Jharkhand, people saved a baby elephant. It had fallen into a deep well.

The calf had been among a group (herd) of elephants. The group had entered a village and were not leaving. Later on, the villagers found that this was because they couldn’t leave the baby elephant, who had fallen into the well.

Thankfully, there was some water in the well, which stopped the baby elephant from being injured.
Villagers informed officials about the situation. Officials removed one side of the well and created a type of road for the baby elephant to walk out. After eight hours, it was able to come out!

It is our responsibility to take care of the health of animals. It could be our pet animals or even stray animals. If any animal is unwell or in any trouble it should be taken to the veterinary doctor for medicines and given any other kind of treatment or help. There are many stories of animals being helped, operated and treated by doctors, healthcare workers and even ordinary people. For all interesting reports on animals, keep reading Curious Times animal news for children. 

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