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image depicting hottest place, as in, Ethiopia has the hottest place on Earth

Ethiopia has the hottest place on Earth


Recommended for Middle Grades

Dallol in Ethiopia is known as the hottest place on Earth. This is based on year-round averages. That means, over the course of the year, it is hotter than all other places on Earth. Of course, there are places on Earth that could be hotter at certain times but on average, Dallol is the hottest.

Dallol is located in a place named the Afar Triangle. It’s kilometres from any place where humans live. However, geologically, it is a place with many scientific treasures. This desolate desert region is also the home of the Danakil Depression. This is an area that appears a lot more alien-like than Earth-like. During summer, temperatures can reach 55 degrees Celsius because of geothermic heat caused by volcanic activity.

High humidity

Another reason that makes Dallol so hot is that it is very humid (around 60%). This is because of the hot fumes that rise out of its sulphur pools. It does not cool off at night time either. Several of the world’s hot spots are in hot deserts. However, in hot deserts, it can get very hot during the day but cold at night.

Today, the world’s hottest place, Dallol, is a “ghost town” as no one lives there. People used to live there during the 1960s as they used to mine for minerals. However, after the 60s, they stopped because of Dallol’s remote location.


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