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Image depicting Mars, as in, See the internal structure of Mars for the first time ever

See the internal structure of Mars for the first time ever


Recommended for Middle Grades

A recent study has revealed the internal structure of the red planet, Mars. Scientists said that marsquakes helped them conduct this study.

What are marsquakes?

Marsquakes are a kind of earthquake which happens on Mars. They shake the interior of Mars and is a result of sudden release of energy in the planet’s interior.

Seismologists used the InSight Mars mission to measure 700 marsquakes. InSight is a robotic lander designed to study the deep interior of the planet Mars. Seismologists are scientists who study earthquakes and planetary activities and their effects.

Then, they used the marsquakes to create a picture of the interior of Mars Planet. The picture shows the crust, mantle and core of Mars. The crust is thinner than expected, while the mantle is simpler than Earth’s. However, the core is larger than expected and molten

Moreover, InSight took only two years to measure Mars’ core. This is amazing because it took scientists more than 100 years to measure Earth’s core.

How did seismologists map Mars’ interior?

When marsquakes occur, seismic waves are felt through the planet, and they reflect off a certain material. This material allows the seismologists to map the interior of the planet. Seismic waves are basically echoes that are produced during an earthquake.


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