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Image depicting Tiny fossilized creature is the ancestor of all scaled reptiles

Tiny fossilized creature is the ancestor of all scaled reptiles


Recommended for Secondary Grades

The ancestor of all scaled reptiles

Scientists have found the tiny skull fossil of a lizard-like creature. They say that it is the ancestor of all scaled reptiles that include living lizards, snakes and tuatara. Tuatara is a group of reptiles found only in New Zealand. An ancestor is a person in your family who lived a long time before you.

They have named it Taytalura alcoberi. “Tayta” means father in the local Quechua language. And “lura” is the Kakán language word for lizard, spoken by Diaguita people of northwestern Argentina. This is where they found the skull.

It is the most primitive scaled reptile discovered to date. It is also the first fossil of its kind that scientists have found in South America. Moreover, it is the most complete early lepidosaur fossil ever found.

What are lepidosaurs?

Lepidosaurs are scaled reptiles such as lizards, snakes, and New Zealand’s tuatara. Together, they represent the most diverse group of land-living vertebrates alive today.

What does the discovery show?

The skull is very tiny – only one inch long. These scaled reptiles creature lived in the Mesozoic Era (about 231 million years ago). This era is often known for its enormous reptiles and huge trees. So, this tiny fossil is unusual. This fossil is about 11 million years younger than the oldest known lepidosaurs from Europe.

The Taytalura skull shows scientists details of how, more than 10,000 species of scaled reptiles – snakes, lizards, and tuatara, originated,


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