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Image depicting Save trees! Nearly 30% of tree species in the wild face extinction

Save trees! Nearly 30% of tree species in the wild face extinction


Recommended for Middle Grades

Save trees!

We all know how important trees are to us and the earth. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, and give food and shelter to the world’s wildlife. Moreover, they also provide us with the materials for tools and shelter. Without trees and forests, life as we know it would not exist.

Sadly, a new report called State of the World’s Trees says that almost 30% of tree species in the wild are now at risk of extinction. This means they are in danger of dying out forever.

An organisation called Botanic Gardens Conservation International has published this report. It says that out of the planet’s 58,497 recorded tree species, 17,510 (or 29.9%) are under the threat of extinction.

Moreover, about 4000 more could also be “possibly threatened” and more than 142 tree species are now extinct in the wild.

What are the reasons?

One of the main threats to trees in the wild is forest clearance. This means cutting down trees and forests to create farms or to sell the wood and other parts. Moreover, climate change and extreme weather are also affecting trees around the world.

The organisation said that the report was “a wake-up call to everyone around the world that trees need help”. Each tree has an important role to play in nature and we must save them. It has also listed a number of actions that we can take to save trees. They include saving the seeds of threatened trees, stronger government action and planting more trees.


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