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Photo from space shows Perseverance rover on Mars


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The red planet, Mars has always been a subject of curiosity to astronomers. Many orbiters have made their way up to Mars and every time, we have discovered a piece of new information.

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has sent a new image from Mars and it shows Perseverance rover as a tiny speck on the planet. You can see the rover as a speck in the South Séítah region of the Jezero Crater. See the photo below and see if you can spot it.

What is the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter(MRO)?

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is a spacecraft which is designed to study the geology and climate of Mars.

NASA also used MRO to direct NASA’s rovers, Curiosity and Perseverance on Mars. NASA has declared the Perseverance rover mission as an astrobiology mission. An astrobiology mission is a scientific study that studies the origin, evolution and future of life in the universe.

Perseverance and Curiosity rovers

The mission of the Curiosity rover is to explore the Gale Crater on Mars to learn about its climate. The Gale crater is a dry lake in the north-western part of the planet.

Perseverance is specifically tasked to look for signs of life and fossils of microbes on the planet. Moreover, the perseverance rover is capable of detecting structures consisting of ancient life on Mars.


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