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Image depicting Perseverance rover collects first rock sample on Mars

Perseverance rover collects first rock sample on Mars


Recommended for Middle Grades

We know that right now, NASA’s Perseverance rover is exploring Mars. Recently, NASA has also confirmed that Perseverance has collected its first rock sample on the Red Planet.

For the last few days, Perseverance has been drilling into a thick slab of rock on Mars to collect the sample. NASA scientists were nervous and wondering if it will succeed. But new images from Mars show that it has succeeded in collecting the sample.

This sample is the first-ever rock section that a space mission has collected on another planet to be sent to Earth. But Perseverance’s job is not done yet. Over the next year, it will collect more such samples. Then, the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA will work together to bring them back to Earth.

The Perseverance rover on Mars

Ever since the Perseverance rover landed on the Jezero crater on Mars, NASA has been using it to observe Mars. From there, the rover has also travelled more than 2km to a slightly raised ridge nicknamed the Citadelle. This is where it collected the sample. It is travelling along with its mini-helicopter, Ingenuity.


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The mission to Mars is one of the most interesting things happening in space technology today. Many government and private companies are trying to find new ways of exploring the Red Planet. With Mars sharing a few similarities to Earth, scientists and researchers are excited about the possibility of travelling and perhaps living on Mars someday. Keep reading Curious Times for fascinating updates on space technology, research and space news for kids. Keep your curiosity sky high.

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