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image depicting William Shatner is now the oldest person to go to space

William Shatner is now the oldest person to go to space


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The oldest person to go to space

A few days ago, we read about Star Trek actor William Shatner’s plan to travel to space.

On 13 September, 90-year-old William Shatner flew to space in a Blue Origin spacecraft. By doing this, he has become the oldest person to go to space.

Shatner said, “That was unlike anything they described,”. He took off on a New Shephard spacecraft along with 3 other people. They are Chris Boshuizen, Glen de Vries, and Audrey Powers (she is Blue Origin’s vice president of mission and flight operations).

The trip lasted just ten minutes from takeoff to landing and gave the passengers about three minutes of weightlessness. They went up past the Karman Line. This line is considered to be the boundary between space and Earth.

Shatner’s has broken the record for the oldest person to go to space. This was held previously by 82-year-old Wally Funk.

Shatner’s flight is the second Blue Origin flight. The company hopes to carry more tourists to space in the future. Blue Origin says New Shepard is a spacecraft that almost anyone can fly on with just a few days of training.


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