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Image depicting 450 unknown objects discovered in our solar system

450 unknown objects discovered in our solar system


Recommended for Middle Grades

Our solar system is a mysterious place. Scientists keep discovering many new objects, especially in the outer areas of the solar system.

Recently, they have discovered new objects past the orbit of Neptune. They are some icy objects which are part of the Kuiper Belt. This is a doughnut-shaped region of icy bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune. These objects orbit the Sun and they have remained unchanged since the solar system came into existence billions of years ago.

The objects are so far away and since the area is dark, astronomers find it hard to detect them. Recently, astronomers used data from the Dark Energy Survey and identified 815 Trans-Neptunian objects (TNO). Out of them, 461 objects were unknown till now.

What are trans-neptunian objects (TNOs)?

Trans-neptunian objects are minor or dwarf planets in the solar system which orbit the Sun beyond Neptune.

What is Dark Energy Survey?

The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is an astronomical survey designed to impact the properties of dark energy. Dark energy is a mysterious force that is the reason for the expansion of our universe.

The dark energy survey ran between August 2013 and January 2019. And it collected infrared and near-infrared data of 575 nights in the southern sky.

The astronomers believe that TNOs hold the structure of the early solar system. Adding to it, the scientists also said that the new objects can help to find or rule out the existence of Planet Nine. This is a planet that scientists believe might exist in the outer parts of the solar system.


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