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Image depicting Artificial Heart, as in, An American actor invented the first mechanical, artificial heart

An American actor invented the first mechanical, artificial heart


Recommended for Middle Grades

The first mechanical, artificial heart

Paul Winchell was an American actor and celebrity. He was the host of a popular television show as well as a children’s show. He even has a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, US.

However, he is also famous for something completely different. He invented the first mechanical, artificial heart that could be used in the human body.

Winchell was also an inventor and had medical training. One day, at a party, he met Dr Henry Heimlich. Dr Heimlich was the inventor of the Heimlich manoeuvre (a move to save someone when they are choking).

They became friends and Winchell would observe Dr Heimlich when he was performing surgery. After seeing all this, Winchell got the idea to create an artificial heart. This could help keep blood pumping during difficult heart surgery and help patients survive.

With the help and advice of Dr Heimlich, Winchell designed an artificial heart. He built a prototype (first version) and filed for a patent in 1956. He received it in 1963.

Advancement of the technology

Later on, a team of researchers led by Dr Robert Jarvik also developed an artificial heart using many of Winchell’s basic principles. This led to the first artificial heart model to be successfully implanted in a human being in 1982.

What is the function of the heart?

The heart pumps blood around the body. This blood sends oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. It also carries away unwanted waste products.


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