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Image depicting tiger who under animal healthcare was operated in the eye

Animal healthcare – Doctors save tiger’s eye in first-ever operation of its kind


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Animal healthcare is important, especially because animals cannot treat themselves. But recently a couple of doctors operated on a tiger. Let’s learn a little more about it.

Ratna is a 17-year-old Sumatran tiger. She lives at Shepreth Wildlife Park near Cambridge in England.

Recently, her caretakers noticed that her left eye was not working well. A doctor checked and said that she would need an operation or she would become blind in that eye.

So, in order to help Ratna, two veterinary doctors decided to operate on Ratna’s eye. Veterinary doctors (or veterinarians) are doctors who treat animals.

This is the first time in the world and animal healthcare that this operation has been tried on a tiger. The operation went normally. They just needed to use a lot more medicine to help Ratna from feeling pain because she is very heavy. Bigger animals need more medicine.

The operation went well. Ratna is doing well now and can see out of both her eyes.

Sumatran tigers are found in Sumatra Island, Indonesia. Today, there are less than 1000 of them in the world.

Watch a video about tigers:

It is our responsibility to take care of the health of animals. It could be our pet animals or even stray animals. If any animal is unwell it should be taken to the veterinary doctor for medicines and any other kind of treatment. There are many stories of animals being operated and treated by doctors and healthcare workers. For all interesting reports on animals, keep reading Curious Times animal news for children. 

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