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Image depicting cockatoos, as in, Australian cockatoos are teaching each other to open trash cans

Australian cockatoos are teaching each other to open trash cans


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Smart cockatoos!

Richard Major, an Australian bird scientist, recently found a cockatoo opening a garbage bin. At first, Richard thought that the trash cans were left open and so the cockatoos were around the area. But he wanted to be sure and decided to test them. So, Richard closed the lid of the trash can and chased the boards away. But as soon as he left, the cockatoos lifted the lid easily and flipped it over.

It turns out that these cockatoos know how to open trashcans. Moreover, they are even teaching each other how to do it.

These cockatoos are sulphur-crested cockatoos, found in Sydney, Australia. They are a type of parrot that are known for their intelligence and adaptability.

What are sulphur-crested cockatoos like?

Sulphur-crested cockatoos are said to be large and loud. They are also smart and can live well with humans.

The study of the birds’ behaviour

Scientists started this study on these birds in 2018. In the beginning, they found only three places in Sydney where these cockatoos were behaving like this. However, by the end of 2019, they found 44 places with the birds opening trash cans.

Watch a video of them below. Video credit: James Morrison/Youtube


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