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Image depicting Beautiful Birds: Nicobar Pigeon

Beautiful Birds: Nicobar Pigeon


Recommended for Foundational Grades

We have all seen common pigeons flying about. Now, let’s meet the Nicobar pigeon – one of the most beautiful members of the pigeon and dove family. You can find the Nicobar pigeon in the Islands of Nicobar in India. It is also found sometimes in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Solomans and Palau.  

Interesting facts about Nicobar Pigeon!

  • The Nicobar pigeon has a green neck, red legs and pointed wings.
  • Adult Nicobar pigeons have white tail feathers, which can be used to identify them.
  • Nicobar pigeons have gizzard stones  (a special type of stone in the stomach that helps to grind food).
  • They will generally live in forests and eat seeds, berries, and insects.

Unfortunately, people hunt Nicobar pigeons for food. They also hunt them for their gizzard stone which is used in jewellery. Some people also keep them as pets. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified this colourful pigeon as “Near Threatened”. This means that there is very few of them alive and they must be protected.

Do remember to check out this fascinating Youtube video on “Nicobar Pigeons Colony”.

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Comments: 3
  1. Manas01 says:

    Mother Nature is so beautiful. There are species undiscovered and beautiful beyond our imagination.

  2. Manas01 says:

    Mother Nature is so beautiful. There are species undiscovered and beautiful beyond our imagination.

  3. Maahi says:

    Pigeon should not be kept as a pet. Let them fly free…

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