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Image depicting Canary Islands volcano eruption destroys homes

Canary Islands volcano eruption destroys homes


Recommended for Middle Grades

On Sunday, the Cumbre Vieja volcano erupted on La Palma island in the Canary Islands of Spain. The volcano erupted after a week of heightened seismic activity. Seismic activity is defined as the types, frequency and size of earthquakes that happen over a period of time in a certain area.

The volcano’s eruption on Sunday led to the shooting of lava hundreds of metres into the air. It burned forests and sent molten rock towards the ocean.

This is the first time in 50 years that the volcano is erupting. The lava from the eruption has forced the evacuation of 5,500 people. It has also destroyed around 100 houses.

But officials said the lava streams were advancing slower than originally predicted. When the lava does eventually reach the Atlantic Ocean, it could trigger more explosions and clouds of toxic gases.

Rescue and safety

Thankfully, no deaths have been reported till now. Officials said that residents will be safe as long as they follow instructions.

Many tourists have also been moved to safety from a resort in La Palma after the volcano eruption.

Officials have closed 6 roads and also shipping activity. Some flights were also cancelled between the islands. The volcano eruption is expected to continue for the next few days,


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