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COVID-19: Australia faces increase in cases


Recommended for Middle Grades

India logged 41,195 new COVID-19 infections over the last 24 hours. Around 52.36 crore COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered till now.

The famous Jagannath temple in Odisha reopened today for a select few after remaining shut for over three months amid the COVID-restrictions.

The Punjab Government on Wednesday ordered to conduct at least 10,000 RT-PCR tests at state schools daily,

Mumbai local trains will open from 15 August to full vaccinated people. It is currently open to only essential service workers.

What is the situation worldwide?

Israel will make children as young as three years take COVID-19 tests to enter schools, swimming pools, hotels or gyms. The Delta variant has led to an increase in cases in the country.

As cases increase in Australia, cities like Sydney and Canberra have entered lockdown.

Japan held its first Paralympic flame-lighting ceremonies today. This year the Paralympic Games will be held in Tokyo from 24 August to 5 September.

A new study says that COVID-19 may become a mostly childhood disease in few years.



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