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COVID-19: Officials concerned about rise in cases as schools open


Recommended for Middle Grades

India reported about 42,000 COVID-19 cases over the last 24 hours. This is about 6% less than yesterday. Kerala continues to record the highest number of cases. India has administered (given) about 68 crore vaccine doses till now.

Coronavirus infection among children continued to rise in Odisha, even as the total number is falling.

In six states, namely, Punjab, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand, schools have opened. But the states are concerned about a rise in cases.

Students in Delhi are back to school after 17 months, as schools opened on 1 September. However, strict COVID-19 rules are in place and all schools and students must follow them.


A new study says that the fears of the Delta variant of COVID-19 making children more seriously ill is not true. It also says that higher vaccination numbers will protect children.

Brazilian researchers have found that a molecule in the venom (poison) of the jararacussu pit viper snake could stop coronavirus reproduction in monkey cells. This is a possible first step toward creating medicines to fight the COVID-19 virus.

South African scientists have identified a new COVID-19 virus variant that has a concerning number of mutations and could be more infectious. They call it the C.1.2. variant and they first identified it in May 2021 in parts of South Africa.


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