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Image depicting Fossils of ancient alien-like sea creatures discovered in England

Fossils of ancient alien-like sea creatures discovered in England


Recommended for Middle Grades

Palaeontologists have found fossils of ancient alien-like sea creatures at a site in England.

Who are palaeontologists?

Palaeontologists are scientists who study the history of life on Earth through the fossil record.

These alien-like sea creatures lived during the Jurassic era (between about 201 to 145 million years ago). They were found in the Cotswolds region. These creatures are one of thousands of fossil findings at the site.

What were the creatures like?

They were squiggly, alien-like Jurassic sea creatures called echinoderms. They were the ancient ancestors of modern starfish, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and frilly-limbed sea lilies. Sadly, some kind of disaster struck them and they all died. Scientists found tens of thousands of them at the site, Moreover, the fossils are all very well preserved at all stages of their life cycles.

The sea bed site where scientists found them is 20 to 40 metres deep in the water. Through this find, scientists hope to learn more about echinoderm evolution during the Jurassic period.



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Are you interested in learning about fossils? Fossils are parts of an animal or plant that lived thousands or millions of years ago which has turned into rock. They include bones, shells, exoskeletons, objects preserved in amber, hair, and even oil and coal. The study of fossils is called palaeontology. Studying fossils helps us understand more about life in ancient times and its connection to our world today. Keep reading Curious Times to know what scientists are discovering about Earth’s past. 

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