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Image depicting Fossil shows giant rhino roamed Earth 26 millions years ago

Fossils show giant rhinos as tall as giraffes roamed Earth


Recommended for Middle Grades

Scientists in China have discovered fossils belonging to a giant rhino that lived about 26.5 million years ago. This giant rhino was one of the largest mammals to ever roam the land.

Mammals are animals that give birth to live babies, not eggs. They also feed their young on milk from their own body. Monkeys, dolphins, elephants and even humans are all mammals.

Scientists have named the ancient giant rhinos Paraceratherium linxiaense. It belonged to a rhino family that did not have horns. Today, rhinos are famous for their horns but at that time, they hadn’t developed them yet.

This is the sixth such rhino to be found in Eurasia (Europe +Asia). In their time, they roamed the earth between Mongolia and Pakistan.

This rhino stood at a height of about 4.8 metres. That is as tall as a giraffe today. It also weighed between 11 to 20 tonnes. That’s as heavy as three to five African elephants combined!

Surprisingly, it had skinny legs. It also had a relatively short nose trunk and a long neck.


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