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Image depicting taliban, as in, India evacuates embassy as Taliban control tightens in Afghanistan

India evacuates embassy as Taliban tightens control in Afghanistan


Recommended for Secondary Grades

As we read yesterday, the Taliban is now back in control in Afghanistan.

Scenes of chaos at the Kabul airport are all over the media as people rush to try and get out of the country. The airport got shut down last night due to the chaos but was reopened.

After some delay, the Indian Air Force has evacuated diplomats and security personnel from the Indian Embassy in Kabul. They have now landed in India.

In his latest speech, US President Joe Biden defended his decision to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan. He has come under severe criticism for his decision. People are greatly afraid that the new Taliban government will crackdown on freedom of speech and human rights, especially women’s rights.

The United Nations also said that it fears for the safety of thousands of Afghans who have worked on human rights issues.

Afghanistan’s former vice president Amrullah Saleh has said on Twitter that he will not surrender. He is currently in the Panjshir Valley, which is not under the Taliban. Saleh was a member of the anti-Taliban resistance, even when the Taliban was in power earlier.

The Taliban

Meanwhile, the Taliban has announced that government officials should return to work without any fear. It is currently negotiating a peaceful transfer of power with the outgoing Afghan government.


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